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Bible Apostolate

Contact Person:

Magdalene Yeow

Contact Details:



The Mission of the Bible Apostolate Ministry is to evangelise by fostering a deeper understanding and love of the Word of God through the Breaking of the Word of each coming Sunday’s Gospel.

Bible Apostolate Programme

The Programme consists of 3 parts as follows: 

Breaking of the Word (BoW)

BoW is a presentation of the background, context and main themes of the coming Sunday’s Gospel. 

Small Group Discussion

BoW is followed by small group discussion and sharing on ways to apply the messages in the Gospel to daily lives 


Participants view videos which are focussed on faith formation.​

The BoW programme is conducted every Wednesday from

9.30am to 11.30am (morning session), and

7.45pm to 9.45pm (evening session).

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